Prayer Before Surgery for Mom

I remember it very well. My first prayer for surgery for mom was on my first day in school in the 6th grade.

It was a difficult time for me. I had an anxious heart and I was very worried.

God –our Great Physician- displayed his healing power as he answered my prayer that day the way I hoped he would. But my mom would have to endure several more surgeries before being restored to good health after making a full recovery.

50+ years later, I am so blessed to still have her! And I learned there are better ways to get answers to prayer than to worry!

So how should we pray for someone as endearing and important as mom? And on such an important subject as a successful surgery?

We have some very good examples in the Bible.

How Do We Pray For Surgery For Mom?

As Christians, we know that prayers should precede anything we want to do. And how much more important is prayer for the life of a loved one like mom!

The essence of prayer is to ask God to take control of the situation. In this case, we will ask Him to positively influence the hands of the medical people who will perform the surgery and make it successful.

God respects our privacy. He is indeed our heavenly father who cares for us all the time, at the same time He has given us free will to determine what we want for ourselves.

God is a gentleman and does not intrude into our affairs if we do not want him to. As James says, “you have not because you ask not.”

So let’s remember to invite the Lord into every part of our life. And let’s ask that His perfect will be done.

Below is a pattern of prayer we can follow;

Dear Lord the Bible says I should commit my work and plans unto your hands and you will establish them (Proverbs 16:3 ESV). I hereby commit my mom’s surgery into your hands Lord Jesus.

Come and take absolute control over everything that concerns the surgery. Guide all medical personnel in their preparations and planning. Give them wisdom from above to help them in their work.

Bring to their knowledge all that they need to do to fully prepare for the task.

Dear God give my mom peace that surpasses human understanding. Remove every fear, trouble, and anxiety from her, and fill her with confidence.

As family members send goodwill messages and come around to wish her well, let her be encouraged and make her strong to be able to go through the surgery in Jesus name.

O God you promise to be with us in the valley of the shadow of death, even when we pass through water, fire, or any hard time that we might need to face in life.

Indeed you are a dear friend. An ever-present help in times of trouble, Lord we need you now.

As my mom goes into the surgery room let her feel your presence around her. Fill the room with your glory and let your power override every power of the enemy that might want to manifest at this moment.

Thank you Lord because we know you love us and you desire the best for us.

Prayer For Mom During Surgery

During surgery, there is little that we can do practically apart from waiting.

The medical staff around is very busy and we want to hear news from them to be sure that things are going according to plan.

But the wise thing to do during surgery is to continue to pray. In a time like this, it is good to pray with Bible verses and acknowledge God’s hand at work in ways we can never fully comprehend.

His healing touch is all that is needed to get the good things we are expecting.

Almighty God is the giver of life. He is also the great physician.

He can answer prayers, bring speedy recovery, and usher in a new season of health that is beyond our ability to comprehend or even ask for!

During surgery, family members should look for a quiet corner and join hands in prayer. We can use the following prayer patterns.

Father God, you said we should call upon you in times of trouble and you will answer us. O Lord, our time of need is the time of trouble, please we need you now.

We commit the physical body, soul, and spirit of our mum to your able hands let them respond to the light of your healing hands.

You are the Balm of Gilead, gracious Father.

Pour your oil of healing all over her and touch all the places in her body that need to be touched but that human hand cannot reach and bring perfect healing to them.

Good Lord, we put all our trust in you.

Let the surgery room be filled with the heavenly host. Let them surround the surgery bed like they surrounded Elisha with chariots of fire.

Let them give helping hands to all the medical personnel present and make the work of the doctors fruitful.

Father, full health is what we desire for our mom, let that be her portion in Jesus’ name.

Prayer for Mom after Surgery

Anyone who went through surgery successfully has every reason to give thanks to God.

While there are highly skilled medical professionals in the operating room, there can be some circumstances beyond everyone’s control.

This is why we should pray to God the divine healer after the surgery.

This time the prayer should be more of Thanksgiving and a reminder that God should perfect the healing of your Mom and restore her to normal life. Here is a prayer pattern we can follow.

Lord God, with grateful hearts we come to you to thank you for the success of the surgery our mom went through. Thank you for guiding the surgeon’s hand.

The Bible says all things work together for good for those who love God and those who are called according to his purpose.

Merciful father, we thank you because you took control. Thank you because nothing went wrong during the surgery.

Lord Jesus Christ, we pray that you will complete what you have started.

We ask that you will speed up the healing process and in a special way that no one could understand nor take glory for, you will give our mom soundness of health.

When Jesus touched Peter’s mother-in-law, her fever disappeared immediately. Let the power of the Holy Spirit fill my mom and effect her healing the same way.

In the name of Jesus Christ let all the medical attention my mom has received yield positive results in her life.

Pray that as your Mom goes from surgery to health, may God bless her with perfect harmony in body, mind, and spirit. May Christ Jesus, who healed the sick and raised the dead quicken her body and heal the parts touched by surgical knives.

May the love of God surround her, giving her comfort and strength and times of rejoicing over this victory!

We all lift her up in prayer, asking the Lord of heaven to keep his guardian angels in charge over her and to protect her from harm or setbacks.

And as we pray, we give thanks to God and invoke His holy name, knowing that He is with us now and always, leading us to eternal life. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Why Prayer For Surgery for Mom is Necessary

Sometimes we may ask, is praying for someone going for surgery still necessary in our high-tech age? This is because technology has helped us achieve many miraculous feats and successes which were unimaginable many years ago.

God Said We Should Pray Without Ceasing

He wants us to live a life of constant prayer. This will enable us to build a strong relationship with Him and learn to rely on Him for all our needs.

God wants us to pray when things are going well and when they are going the other way. He wants us to pray about everything and never rely upon our efforts or abilities.

As the coming day of surgery for mom draws near, an anxious heart can make it difficult to find peace. This is why offering appropriate prayers can bring comfort and hope during this challenging time.

As it was true in Bible times so it is today.

We should pray without ceasing. Whether we are facing physical or emotional pain, we can find comfort in knowing that God is working for our good and His glory.

Medical Personnel Are Not Perfect

No matter the knowledge and experience doctors and other medical personnel may have, they are still humans, and they are prone to all kinds of errors. Sometimes they do encounter situations that are beyond their abilities.

As your mom has her surgery tomorrow, a beautiful prayer can go a long way to bring comfort and peace.

Turning to God in prayer can be a source of strength and reassurance during challenging times. The hospital staff will also appreciate your thoughtful gesture of acknowledging the God of the Surgeon and seeking His guidance for a successful operation.

As advanced as our medical industry may be, there still can be unresolved medical issues, and much research into medical cases without conclusive results.

These and many more are the reasons why we still need to ask for divine intervention in medical treatments.

Some doctors who recognize the healing power of God would say “We treat but God heals.”

God Is The Healer

God said to the children of Israel “I am the Lord that heals you.”

In the New Testament, the Bible records that Jesus went about healing the sick and delivering the oppressed.

With His tireless strength, God is the healer of our souls and bodies, offering His resurrection life to bring long-lasting healing.

God can heal all sicknesses and diseases including those that have been called incurable. Countless miracles recorded in the Bible and in contemporary times testify to this truth.

We Should Not Be Ignorant Of Satan’s Devices

Many medical cases are not physical even though they may appear to be so. Such ailments can only answer to prayers. Jesus said, “This kind will not go except by prayer and fasting.”

We should not be deceived to think that Satan cannot operate in our time the way he did in the Bible times.

The old serpent is still much alive going about like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour.

We should resist him with our prayers and obedience to the word of God, knowing fully well that the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much.

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