Every single verse of the Bible is important. In fact; “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that...
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Trust in the Lord with all your heart. What is the meaning of this verse? When we put it together with the next verse, it reads like this: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not...
The Holy Bible is the complete Word of God from Genesis to Revelation. It has every book in it that God intended - all 66 of them. They are divided into the Old Testament and the New...
It is not easy seeing a son or daughter become a prodigal. It can cause us to question many things, even our faith. But we have a God who cares. He has dealt with many prodigals (even...
Jesus and Muhammad are often compared because they are regarded as the major proponents of Christianity and Islam, respectively. There are a few similarities between Jesus and Mohammad. But the...
Surgery -even with modern technology- is a reminder that we cannot control everything in our lives. But it also reminds us that we know who does control all things. This is the God who loves us...